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Enforces the value to be properly formatted as an email. The validation rule only works with the string schema type.

import { schema, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator'
email: schema.string([

The email rule uses the validator.isEmail method from the validatorjs package. You can specify all of the options accepted by the validator.isEmail method. Just make sure to pass them in camelCase form.

email: schema.string([{
ignoreMaxLength: true,
allowIpDomain: true,
domainSpecificValidation: true,

Normalize email

You can make use of the rules.normalizeEmail method to normalize the email address.

The normalizeEmail rule uses the validator.normalizeEmail method from the validatorjs package. You can specify all of the options accepted by the validator.normalizeEmail method. Just make sure to pass them in camelCase form.

email: schema.string([,
allLowercase: true,
gmailRemoveDots: true,
gmailRemoveSubaddress: true,