AdonisJS v6 is here. Learn more in our release blog post.


Validates the property to be a valid boolean. The string and numeric representations of a boolean are casted to a valid boolean value.

  • "1", 1, "true" are casted to true
  • "0", 0, "false" are casted to false

Additionally, we also cast "on" to true and "off" to false as these are values the server receives for the HTML checkbox input.

import { schema } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator'
accepted: schema.boolean()

Mark as optional

You can mark the property to be optional by chaining the optional method. The undefined and the null values are considered optional and removed from the validated object.

accepted: schema.boolean.optional()

Mark as nullable

You can mark the property to be nullable by chaining the nullable method. The nullable fields must exist in the payload but can contain null values.

accepted: schema.boolean.nullable()

Mark as nullable and optional

Mark the property both as nullable and optional. If the field value is undefined, it will be removed from the validated object. Otherwise, the validated value (including null) is returned.

accepted: schema.boolean.nullableAndOptional()

Define additional rules

Currently there are no rules for the boolean schema type. However, if you were to create one, then you can pass it as the first argument.

import { schema, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator'
title: schema.boolean([