AdonisJS v6 is here. Learn more in our release blog post.

String helpers

Following is the list of available string helpers that you can use with in your Edge templates. The framework core and official packages of AdonisJS are already using these helpers, its just we have also injected them as view helpers.


Convert a string to its camelCase version.

{{ camelCase('hello-world') }}
<!-- Output: helloWorld -->


Convert a string to its snake_case version.

{{ snakeCase('helloWorld') }}
<!-- Output: hello_world -->


Convert a string to its dash-case version. Optionally, you can also capitalize the first letter of each segment.

{{ string.dashCase('helloWorld') }} <!-- hello-world -->
string.dashCase('helloWorld', { capitalize: true })
}} <!-- Hello-World -->


Convert a string to its PascalCase version.

{{ pascalCase('helloWorld') }}
<!-- Output: HelloWorld -->


Capitalize a string value.

{{ capitalCase('helloWorld') }}
<!-- Output: Hello World -->


Convert string to sentence case.

{{ sentenceCase('hello-world') }}
<!-- Output: Hello world -->


Convert string to its version.

{{ dotCase('hello-world') }}
<!-- Output: -->


Remove all sorts of casing from a string.

{{ noCase('hello-world') }} <!-- hello world -->
{{ noCase('hello_world') }} <!-- hello world -->
{{ noCase('helloWorld') }} <!-- hello world -->


Convert a sentence to title case.

{{ titleCase('Here is a fox') }}
<!-- Output: Here Is a fox -->


Pluralize a word.

{{ pluralize('box') }} <!-- boxes -->
{{ pluralize('i') }} <!-- we -->


Join an array of words with a separator to form a sentence.

<!-- route, middleware, and controller -->

You can also define the following options to customize the separators.

  • separator: The value between two words except the last one.
  • pairSeparator: The value between the first and the last word. Used, only when there are two words.
  • lastSeparator: The value between the second last and the last word. Used, only when there are more than two words.
], {
separator: '/ ',
lastSeparator: '/or '
<!-- route/ middleware/or controller -->


Convert bytes value to a human readable string. Accepts and forwards all the options to the bytes package.

{{ prettyBytes(1024) }} <!-- 1KB -->
prettyBytes(1024, { unitSeparator: ' ' })
}} <!-- 1 KB -->


Convert human readable string to bytes. This method is the opposite of the prettyBytes method.

{{ toBytes('1KB') }} <!-- 1024 -->


Convert time represented in milliseconds to a human readable string.

{{ prettyMs(60000) }} <!-- 1min -->
{{ prettyMs(60000, { long: true }) }} <!-- 1 minute -->


Convert human readable string to milliseconds. This method is the opposite of the prettyMs method.

{{ toMs('1min') }} <!-- 60000 -->


Ordinalize a string or a number value.

{{ ordinalize(1) }} <!-- 1st -->
{{ ordinalize(99) }} <!-- 99th -->


Convert the newline charcaters with a <br> tag.

{{{ nl2br(post.content) }}}

When using the nl2br helper, you will have to use three curly braces to render the <br> tag a HTML instead of escaping it.

However, this will also render the HTML tags from the post.content variable. To overcome this situation, we recommend you to separately escape the user input before passing it to the nl2br method.

Following is the correct way of using the nl2br method. This ensures, the user input is always escaped.

{{{ nl2br(e(post.content)) }}}


Escape HTML inside a string value. The double curly braces already escape the value, so use this method only when you are not using the double curly braces.

{{{ e(post.content) }}}