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The route helper let you generate URLs for pre-registered routes by either using their name or the controller.method reference.

action="{{ route('') }}"

Route params

You can pass route params as the second argument. It can be an positional array of values or an object of key-value pair. The key is the route param name.

import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route'
Route.put('posts/:id', 'PostsController.update')
action="{{ route('PostsController.update', [1]) }}"

Example of route params as an object.

action="{{ route('PostsController.update', { id: 1 }) }}"


The route helper also accepts additional options to append the query string, prefix a URL or lookup a route inside a specific domain.

Query string

You can define the query string as an object using the qs property.

route('PostsController.update', { id: 1 }, {
qs: {
_method: 'PUT' {{-- 👈 --}}

Lookup within a domain

You can also perform the route lookup within a specific domain. For example:

import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route'
.group(() => {
Route.get('/posts/:id', '')
<a href="{{
route('', [1], {
domain: ''
}}"> View post </a>

Prefix URL

The URLs created by the route helper are always relative from the root of the domain. If required, you can manually prefix a URL.

<a href="{{
route('', [1], {
domain: '',
prefixUrl: ''
}}"> View post </a>

Signed routes

The signedRoute helper is similar to the route helper, instead it creates a signed URL .

The helpers accept the following additional options.

signedRoute('OnboardingController.verifyEmail', [], {
expiresIn: '30mins',
purpose: 'verifyEmail'