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AdonisJS Drive is an abstraction on top of cloud storage services, such as: Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Google Cloud Storage.

The Drive comes pre-bundled with the framework's core, and hence no extra installation steps are required (except for drivers). You can use Drive as follows:

import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
// Write a file
await Drive.put(filePath, stringOrBuffer)
await Drive.putStream(filePath, readableStream)
// Read a file
const contents = await Drive.get(filePath)
const readableStream = await Drive.getStream(filePath)
// Find if a file exists
if (await Drive.exists(filePath)) {
await Drive.get(filePath)

Goals & design limitations

The primary goal of Drive is to provide a consistent API that works across all the storage providers. So, for example, you can use the local file system during development and switch to S3 in production without changing a single line of code.

To guarantee a consistent API, Drive cannot work with the specifics of a given storage service.

For example, you cannot create symlinks using Drive since symlinks are a Unix-based file systems concept and cannot be replicated with S3 or GCS.

Similarly, the proprietary features of a cloud service that cannot be replicated across drivers are also not supported.

Use cases

The Drive is NOT a replacement for managing your website static assets like CSS, JavaScript, or the images/icons you use to design your website/web app.

The primary use case for Drive is to help you quickly manage user-uploaded files. These can be user avatars, blog post cover images, or any other runtime managed documents.


The configuration for Drive is stored inside the config/drive.ts file. Inside this file, you can define multiple disks using the same/different drivers.

Feel free to create the config file (if missing) using the config stub .

import { driveConfig } from '@adonisjs/core/build/config'
export default driveConfig({
disk: Env.get('DRIVE_DISK'),
disks: {
local: {
driver: 'local',
visibility: 'public',
root: Application.tmpPath('uploads'),
basePath: '/uploads',
serveFiles: true,
s3: {
driver: 's3',
visibility: 'public',
key: Env.get('S3_KEY'),
secret: Env.get('S3_SECRET'),
region: Env.get('S3_REGION'),
bucket: Env.get('S3_BUCKET'),
endpoint: Env.get('S3_ENDPOINT'),
// For minio to work
// forcePathStyle: true,


The disk property represents the default disk to use for file system operations. Usually, you will define the disk as an environment variable to use different disks for local development and production.


The disks object defines the disks you want to use throughout your application. Each disk must specify the driver it wants to use.


Following is the list of the official drivers.

Local driver

The local driver is pre-bundled into the framework core. It uses the local file system for reading/writing files.

You must configure the root directory for the local driver inside the config file. The path can be anywhere on your computer (even outside the project root will work).

local: {
driver: 'local',
root: Application.tmpPath('uploads'),

To mimic the behavior of Cloud services, the local driver can also serve files when a basePath is defined, and the serveFiles option is enabled.

Ensure you do not define any other routes in your application using the same prefix as the basePath.

local: {
basePath: '/uploads',
serveFiles: true,

Once configured, the Drive.getUrl method will generate the URL to download the file. The URLs are relative to the current domain.

await Drive.getUrl('avatar.jpg')
// Returns
// /uploads/avatar.jpg
await Drive.getSignedUrl('avatar.jpg')
// Returns
// /uploads/avatar.jpg?signature=eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiL3YxL3VzZXJzIn0.CGHY99jESI-AxPFBu1lE26TXjCASfC83XTyu58NivFw

S3 driver

The s3 driver makes use of Amazon S3 cloud storage for reading/writing files. You will have to install the driver separately.

Make sure to follow the configure command instructions to set up the driver correctly. You can also read the same instructions here .

npm i @adonisjs/drive-s3
node ace configure @adonisjs/drive-s3

You can also use the s3 driver with S3-compatible services like DigitalOcean Spaces and MinIO .

When using a different service, you will have to define the bucket endpoint as well.

driver: 's3',
endpoint: Env.get('S3_ENDPOINT')

GCS driver

The gcs driver makes use of Google Cloud Storage for reading/writing files. You will have to install the driver separately.

Make sure to follow the configure command instructions to set up the driver correctly. You can also read the same instructions here .

npm i @adonisjs/drive-gcs
node ace configure @adonisjs/drive-gcs

Make sure to set the usingUniformAcl option to true if you use GCS uniform ACL .

Files visibility

Drive allows you to save files with either public or private visibility. The public files are accessible using the file URL, whereas the private files can either be read on the server or accessed using a signed URL.

You can configure visibility for the entire disk by defining the visibility option in the config file.

disks: {
local: {
driver: 'local',
visibility: 'private'
// ... rest of the config

The s3 and the gcs drivers also allow you to define visibility for individual files. However, we recommend using a separate bucket for public and private files for the following reasons.

  • When using a separate bucket, you can configure a CDN on the entire bucket to serve public files.
  • You get better cross-compatibility with the local file driver since the local driver does not allow file-level visibility control.

Regardless of the driver's use, you cannot access the private files with just the file URL. Instead, you need to create a signed URL or use the Drive.get method to access the file.

// ✅ Works
const contents = await Drive.get(filePath)
// ❌ Cannot access private files with a URL
const url = await Drive.getUrl(filePath)
// ✅ Can be accessed using a signed url
const signedUrl = await Drive.getSignedUrl(filePath)

Writing files

You can create/update files using one of the following methods. If a file already exists, it will be updated.


The put method accepts the file name as the first argument and the file content (either string or buffer) as the second argument.

import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
await Drive.put(filePath, contents)

You can also define the file metadata using the third argument.

await Drive.put(filePath, contents, {
visibility: 'public',
contentType: 'image/png'

Following is the list of available options.

visibilityThe file visibility
contentTypeThe file content type
contentLanguageThe file language. Used to set the content-language header when downloading the file
contentEncodingThe file contents encoding. Used to set the content-encoding header when downloading the file
contentDispositionValue for the content-disposition response header
cacheControlValue for the cache-control response header. GCS driver ignores this option, as the underlying SDK does not allow configuring it.


The putStream method accepts the content as a readable stream. The options are the same as the put method.

import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
await Drive.putStream(filePath, readableStream)

BodyParser moveToDisk

You can move the user uploaded files to a given disk using the file.moveToDisk method.

The method accepts the following arguments.

  • The file location (without the filename).
  • The metadata options. Same as the put method.
  • Optionally, a disk name. When not defined, the default disk is used.
import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route''posts', async ({ request }) => {
const coverImage = request.file('cover_image')
// Written to the "images" directory
await coverImage.moveToDisk('images')
// Written to the "root" directory
await coverImage.moveToDisk('./')

The moveToDisk method renames the user's uploaded file to a unique/random file name. However, you can also define the filename manually.

await coverImage.moveToDisk('images', {
name: `${}.${coverImage.extname}`

Finally, you can also define a custom disk name as the third argument.

await coverImage.moveToDisk('images', {}, 's3')

Reading files

You can read files using the Drive.get or the Drive.getStream methods. Both the methods will raise an exception when the file is missing.


The get method returns the file contents as a buffer. You can convert it to a string by calling the toString method.

import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
const contents = await Drive.get('filePath')
// Custom encoding


The getStream method returns an instance of the readable stream .

const readableStream = await Drive.getStream('filePath')

Generating URLs

You can generate a URL to a file path using the Drive.getUrl or the Drive.getSignedUrl methods.

In the case of cloud storage providers, the generated URL points to the cloud service. Whereas, in the case of the local driver, the URL points to your AdonisJS application.

The local driver registers a route implicitly when the serveFiles option is set to true inside the config file. Also, a basePath is required and must be unique across the registered disks.

local: {
driver: 'local',
serveFiles: true,
basePath: '/uploads'


Returns a URL to download a given file. An exception is raised if the file is missing. Only the public files can be viewed using the URL returned by the getUrl method.

const url = await Drive.getUrl('filePath')


The getSignedUrl method returns a URL to download a given file with its signature. You can only download the file as long as the signature is valid.

You can also define the duration after which the signature expires, and the URL becomes invalid.

const url = await Drive.getSignedUrl('filePath')
// With expiry
const url = await Drive.getSignedUrl('filePath', {
expiresIn: '30mins'

Finally, you can also define the following response content headers as the second argument.

const url = await Drive.getSignedUrl('filePath', {
contentType: 'application/json',
contentDisposition: 'attachment',

Following is the list of available options.

contentTypeValue for the content-type response header.
contentLanguageValue for the content-language response header. Ignored by the GCS driver
contentEncodingValue for the content-encoding response header. Ignored by the GCS driver
contentDispositionValue for the content-disposition response header
cacheControlValue for the cache-control response header. Ignored by the GCS driver.

Downloading files

The recommended approach to download files is to use the file URL generated using the Drive.getUrl method. However, you can also download files manually from a custom route.

Following is a simplified example of streaming files. Here's a more robust implementation.

import { extname } from 'path'
import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route'
import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
Route.get('/uploads/*', async ({ request, response }) => {
const location = request.param('*').join('/')
const { size } = await Drive.getStats(location)
response.header('content-length', size)
return Drive.getStream(location))

Deleting files

You can delete the file using the Drive.delete method. NO exception is raised when the file is missing.

await Drive.delete('avatar.jpg')

Copying & moving files

You can copy and move files using the following methods. The metadata options are the same as the put method.

For cloud services, the operations are performed within the same bucket. So, for example, if you want to copy a file from the local disk, then you must use the put or the putStream methods.

await Drive.copy(source, destination, metadataOptions)
await Drive.move(source, destination, metadataOptions)

Switching between disks

You can switch between disks using the Drive.use method.

// Reference to the S3 disk
const s3 = Drive.use('s3')
await s3.put(filePath, stringOrBuffer)

Switching bucket at runtime

When using the s3 and the gcs drivers, you can switch the bucket at runtime using the bucket method.

.put(filePath, stringOrBuffer)

Adding a custom driver

The Drive exposes the API to add your custom drivers. Every driver must adhere to the DriverContract .

You can also use the official S3 or GCS drivers as a reference for creating your own driver.

interface DriverContract {
name: string
exists(location: string): Promise<boolean>
get(location: string): Promise<Buffer>
getStream(location: string): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>
getVisibility(location: string): Promise<Visibility>
getStats(location: string): Promise<DriveFileStats>
location: string,
options?: ContentHeaders & { expiresIn?: string | number }
): Promise<string>
getUrl(location: string): Promise<string>
location: string,
contents: Buffer | string,
options?: WriteOptions
): Promise<void>
location: string,
contents: NodeJS.ReadableStream,
options?: WriteOptions
): Promise<void>
setVisibility(location: string, visibility: Visibility): Promise<void>
delete(location: string): Promise<void>
source: string,
destination: string,
options?: WriteOptions
): Promise<void>
source: string,
destination: string,
options?: WriteOptions
): Promise<void>


Return a boolean to indicate if the file exists or not. The driver should not raise an exception when the file is missing and instead return false.


Return the file contents as a buffer. The driver should raise an exception when the file is missing.


Return the file contents as a readable stream. The driver should raise an exception when the file is missing.


Return the file visibility. If the driver doesn't support file-level visibility, it should return the disk visibility from the config.


Return the file metadata. The response object must include the following properties.

size: number
modified: Date
isFile: boolean
etag?: string // Optional


Return a signed URL to download the file. If possible, the signed URL can accept the response content headers when generating the URL.


Return a static URL to the file. No need to check if the file exists or not. Instead, return 404 at the time of serving the file.


Create/update a file from raw contents (string or buffer). You must create the required directories as well.


Create/update a file from a readable stream. You must create the required directories as well.


Update the file visibility. If the driver doesn't support file-level visibility, then it should just ignore the request.


Delete the file. The driver should not raise an exception when the file is missing.


Copy the file from one location to another. The copy operation should copy the metadata of the file as well. For example: In S3, it requires an additional request to copy the file ACL.


Move the file from one location to another. The move operation should copy the metadata of the file as well.

Extending from outside in

Anytime you are extending the core of the framework. It is better to assume that you do not have access to the application code and its dependencies. In other words, write your extensions as if you are writing a third-party package and use dependency injection to rely on other dependencies.

For demonstration purposes, let's create a dummy driver with no implementation.

mkdir providers/DummyDriver
touch providers/DummyDriver/index.ts

Open the DummyDriver/index.ts file and paste the following contents inside it.

import type {
} from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
export interface DummyDriverContract extends DriverContract {
name: 'dummy' // Driver name
export type DummyDriverConfig = {
driver: 'dummy' // Driver name
// .. other config options
export class DummyDriver implements DummyDriverContract {
// implementation goes here

Next, you must register the driver with the Drive module. You must do it inside the boot method of a service provider. Open the pre-existing providers/AppProvider.ts file and paste the following code inside it.

import { ApplicationContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application'
export default class AppProvider {
constructor(protected app: ApplicationContract) {}
public async boot() {
const { DummyDriver } = await import('./DummyDriver')
const Drive ='Adonis/Core/Drive')
Drive.extend('dummy', (_drive, _diskName, config) => {
return new DummyDriver(config)

Informing TypeScript about the new driver

Before someone can reference this driver within the config/drive.ts file. You will have to inform TypeScript static compiler about its existence.

If you are creating a package, then you can write the following code inside your package main file, otherwise you can write it inside the contracts/drive.ts file.

import {
} from '../providers/DummyDriver'
declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive' {
interface DriversList {
dummy: {
config: DummyDriverConfig,
implementation: DummyDriverContract

Using the driver

Alright, we are now ready to use the driver. Let's start by defining the config for a new disk inside the config/drive.ts file.

disks: {
myDummyDisk: {
driver: 'dummy',
// ... rest of the config

And use it as follows.

import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
await Drive.use('myDummyDisk').put(filePath, contents)