AdonisJS v6 is here. Learn more in our release blog post.

HTTP tests

AdonisJS ships with the Japa API client plugin. You can use it to test your application HTTP endpoints.

The primary use case for the API client is to test JSON responses. However, there are no technical limitations around other response types like HTML, or even plain text.

Tests using the API client to perform outside-in testing should be part of the functional test suite.

node ace make:test functional users/list
# CREATE: tests/functional/users/list.spec.ts
import { test } from '@japa/runner''List users', () => {
test('get a paginated list of users', async ({ client }) => {
const response = await client.get('/users')

Please read the Japa documentation to view all the available methods and assertions. This guide only documents the additional methods added by AdonisJS

Open API testing

The API client allows you to write assertions against your OpenAPI spec.

Keep the spec YAML or JSON file inside the project root and register it within the tests/boostrap.ts file.

export const plugins: Config['plugins'] = [
openApi: {
schemas: [Application.makePath('api-spec.yml')],

Once the schema is registered, you can make use of the response.assertAgainstApiSpec method to assert against the API spec.

test('get a paginated list of existing posts', async ({ client }) => {
const response = await client.get('/posts')
  • The assertion will use the request method, the endpoint and response status code to find the expected response schema.
  • The actual response body is validated against the matching schema.

Do note, only the shape of the response is tested and not the actual values. Therefore, you may have to write additional assertions. For example:

// Assert that response is as per the schema
// Assert for expected values
data: [{ title: 'Adonis 101' }, { title: 'Lucid 101' }]


You can read/write cookies during the request. The cookies are automatically signed during the request and converted to plain text in the response.

In the following example, a user_preferences cookie is sent to the server.

await client
.cookie('user_preferences', { limit: 10 })

You can also read the cookies set by the server using the response.cookies() method.

const response = await client.get('/users')

Encrypted cookies

By default the cookies are signed and unsigned during a request. You can make use of the encryptedCookie method to send encrypted cookies to the server.

await client
.encryptedCookie('user_preferences', { limit: 10 })

Plain cookies

You can also send plain cookies (base64 encoded) to the server using the plainCookie method.

await client
.plainCookie('user_preferences', { limit: 10 })


The @adonisjs/session package extends the API client by providing additional methods to read/write session data during the request.

Sessions must use the memory driver during tests. Therefore, make sure to update the SESSION_DRIVER within the .env.test file.


Writing session values

You can set the session data during the request using the session method. The session values will accessible by the server.

await client.get('/').session({ user_id: 1 })

Also, you can set the flash messages using the flashMessages method.

await client.get('/').flashMessages({
errors: {
title: ['Post title is required']

Reading session values

You can read the session data set by the server using the session method on the response object.

const response = await client.get('/')

The flash messages can be accessed using the flashMessages method.

const response = await client.get('/')

You can dump the session data to the console using the dumpSession method.

const response = await client.get('/')
// writes to the console

CSRF token

You can pass a CSRF token to the HTTP request by calling the withCsrfToken method on the request object. The method will set the CSRF secret session and passes the token inside the x-csrf-token header.

Ensure you have the @adonisjs/session package installed as CSRF secrets rely on the session storage. Also, the SESSION_DRIVER should be set to memory during testing.



The @adonisjs/auth package extends the API client and adds the loginAs method you can use to login as a certain user when making the request.

The method accepts an instance of the user object to login with.

const user = await User.find(1)
await client.get('/posts').loginAs(user)

You can also specify the Auth guard to use when authenticating the user. The web guard will create the session, whereas the API tokens guard will generate a token and set it as the header.

const user = await User.find(1)
await client.get('/posts')

For basic authentication, you can use the basicAuth method. It accepts the user login credentials as arguments. Make sure you pass the plain password (not hashed) to the basicAuth method.

await client.get('/posts').basicAuth('email', 'password')

File uploads

AdonisJS offers a great testing experience when dealing with file uploads. You can generate in-memory dummy files and fake the Drive implementation to not persist any files during tests.

Lets assume you want to test that a user can update their avatar with a valid image file under a certain size. Now, instead of keeping images of different sizes inside your project, you can use the AdonisJS file helpers to generate an in-memory image.

Similarly, instead of storing the user uploaded files on the disk or s3. You can call Drive.fake() method to collect user uploaded files within memory and write assertions against them.

Let's see how all this works in practice.

import { test } from '@japa/runner'
import Drive from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Drive'
import { file } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Helpers'
test('a user can update avatar', async ({ client, assert }) => {
* After this the server code using Drive
* will not write any files on the disk
const fakeDrive = Drive.fake()
* Creating a fake file to upload
const fakeAvatar = await file.generatePng('1mb')
await client
.file('avatar', fakeAvatar.contents, { filename: })
* Assert the file was uploaded successfully
assert.isTrue(await fakeDrive.exists(
* Restore the Drive fake

Additional assertions

You can validate the server response using the assertions available on the response object.

AdonisJS provides the following additional methods on top of the existing Japa assertions .


Assert the given session exists. Optionally, you can also assert the session value.

* Two assertions are executed under the hood
* when the value is provided
response.assertSession('foo', 'bar')


Assert the session does not exist in the response.



Assert the given flash message exists. Optionally, you can also assert for a specific value.

* Two assertions are executed under the hood
* when the value is provided
response.assertFlashMessage('errors', [
title: ['Post title is required']


Assert the flash message does not exist in the response.
