AdonisJS v6 is here. Learn more in our release blog post.

File uploads

AdonisJS provides you a robust and performant API for dealing with file uploads. Not only can you process and store uploaded files locally, but you can also stream them directly to the cloud services like S3, Cloudinary, or Google cloud storage.

Checkout Attachment Lite . An opinionated package to convert any column on your Lucid model to an attachment data type. Making file upload clean and easy.

Accessing uploaded files

The bodyparser middleware registered inside the start/kernel.ts file automatically processes all the files for multipart/form-data requests.

You can access the files using the request.file method. The method accepts the field name and returns an instance of the File class, or null if no file was uploaded.

import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route'
import Application from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application''posts', async ({ request }) => {
const coverImage = request.file('cover_image')
if (coverImage) {
await coverImage.move(Application.tmpPath('uploads'))

When accepting multiple files from the same input, you can use the request.files method (the plural form) to return an array of the file instances.

import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route'
import Application from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application''gallery', async ({ request }) => {
const images = request.files('images')
for (let image of images) {
await image.move(Application.tmpPath('uploads'))

Validating files

You can also validate the file by specifying the rules for the file extension and the file size, and AdonisJS will perform the validations implicitly.

We attempt to detect the file extension using the file magic number and fallback to the filename extension when unable to detect it using the magic number.

const coverImage = request.file('cover_image', {
size: '2mb',
extnames: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'],
if (!coverImage) {
if (!coverImage.isValid) {
return coverImage.errors
await coverImage.move(Application.tmpPath('uploads'))

Validating files using the validator

You can also use the validator to validate the user uploaded files alongside the rest of the form.

The schema.file method validates the input to be a valid file, along with any custom validation rules provided for the file size and the extension.

If the file validation fails, you can access the error message alongside the form errors. Otherwise, you can access the file instance and move it to the desired location.

import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route'
import { schema } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator'
import Application from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application''posts', async ({ request }) => {
const postSchema = schema.create({
cover_image: schema.file({
size: '2mb',
extnames: ['jpg', 'gif', 'png'],
const payload = await request.validate({ schema: postSchema })
await payload.cover_image.move(Application.tmpPath('uploads'))

Saving files

You can save user-uploaded files using the moveToDisk method. It uses AdonisJS Drive under the hood to save files.

const coverImage = request.file('cover_image', {
size: '2mb',
extnames: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'],
await coverImage.moveToDisk('./')
// Get the name of the saved file; to store it in your database, for example.
const fileName = coverImage.fileName;

The moveToDisk method accepts the following arguments.

  • storagePath: A relative path to the disk root.
  • options: An object of options accepted by the Drive.put method. Additionally, you can pass the file name property.
  • disk: Define the disk name to use for saving the file. If not defined, we will use the default disk.

Serving uploaded files

We recommend using Drive to save user uploaded files and then use the Drive.getUrl to serve public files and Drive.getSignedUrl to serve private files.

File properties/methods

Following is the list of properties on the File class.


Reference to the input file name.



The uploaded file name. It is usually the name of the file on the user's computer.



The file size is in bytes. The file size is only available when the file stream has been consumed.



The HTTP headers associated with the file



The path of the file inside the computer /tmp directory. It is available only when the files are processed by the bodyparser middleware and not during direct uploads.



The file's absolute path. Available after the move operation.



The file's relative name. Available after the move operation.



The file mime type . Available after the file stream has been consumed



The subtype from the file mime type. Available after the file stream has been consumed.



The file extension. Available after the file stream has been consumed.



The file processing state. It is one of the following.

  • idle: The file stream is idle and is not flowing.
  • streaming: The file is streaming the contents.
  • consumed: The file stream has been consumed.
  • moved: The file has been moved using the file.move method.
if (file.state === 'consumed') {


Find if the file has passed the validation or not.

if (!file.isValid) {
return file.errors


The hasErrors property is the opposite of the isValid property.

if (file.hasErrors) {
return file.errors


Find if the file has been validated or not. Call file.validate() to valid it.

if (!file.validated) {


An array of validation errors

if (file.hasErrors) {
return file.errors


Reference to the size validation option.


Reference to the extnames validation option.


Validate the file against the pre-defined validation options. AdonisJS implicitly calls this method when you access the file using the request.file(s) method.


Move the file to a given location on the filesystem. The method accepts an absolute to the destination directory and options object to rename the file.

await file.move(Application.tmpPath('uploads'), {
name: 'renamed-file-name.jpg',
overwrite: true, // overwrite in case of conflict


Move file using Drive. The methods accept the following arguments:

  • storagePath: A relative path to the disk root.
  • options: An object of options accepted by the Drive.put method. Additionally, you have to pass the file name property
  • disk: Define the disk name to use for saving the file. If not defined, we will use the default disk.
await file.moveToDisk('./', {
name: 'renamed-file-name.jpg',
contentType: 'image/jpg'
}, 's3')


Get the JSON object representation of the file instance.

const json = file.toJSON()

Additional reading

  • Step by step tutorial on file uploads
  • Direct file uploads