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Templating syntax

With Edge, we ensure not to introduce too many new concepts and instead rely on the JavaScript language features.

The syntax of Edge revolves around the two main primitives.

  • Curly braces are used to evaluate an expression and display its output value.
  • Edge tags are used to add new features to the template engine. The tags API is used by the core of Edge and is also exposed to add custom tags.

Curly braces

Edge uses the popular approach of double curly braces (aka mustache) to evaluate the JavaScript expressions. You can use any valid JavaScript expression inside the curly braces, and Edge will evaluate it for you.

{{ user.username }}
{{ user.username.toUpperCase() }}
{{ (2 + 2) * 3 }}
{{ (await getUser()).username }}

The double curly braces escape the output of the expression to keep your template safe from the XSS attacks.

Given the following expression

{{ '<script> alert(`foo`) </script>' }}

The output will be:

&lt;script&gt; alert(&#x60;foo&#x60;) &lt;/script&gt;

However, in situations where you trust the expression, you can instruct Edge to not escape the value by using three curly braces.

{{{ '<script> alert(`foo`) </script>' }}}


<script> alert(`foo`) </script>

Ignoring curly braces

You can instruct Edge to ignore curly braces by prefixing the @ symbol. This is usually helpful when you are using Edge to generate the markup for another template engine.

Hello @{{ username }}


Hello {{ username }}

Edge tags

Tags are the expressions that start with the @ symbol. Tags provide a unified API for adding features to the templating layer.

The core of Edge uses tags to implement features like conditionals, loops, partials, and components.

{{-- if tag --}}
{{-- include tag --}}

A tag must always appear in its line and cannot be mixed with other contents. Here is the extensive syntax guide .

{{-- ✅ Valid --}}
{{-- ❌ Invalid --}}
Hello @if(user)

We have further divided the tags into sub-groups to cater to different templating needs.

Block-level tags

Block-level tags are the ones that optionally accept the content inside them. A block-level tag must always be closed using the @end statement. For example:

if is a block level tag


section is a block level tag


Inline tags

Inline tags do not accept any content inside them and are self-closed within the same statement. For example:

include is an inline tag


layout is an inline tag


Self closed block-level tags

Occasionally you will find yourself self-closing a block-level tag. A great example of this is a component tag.

For example, A button component optionally accepts the markup for the button. However, in certain situations, you don't want to define the markup, and hence you can self-close the tag using the @! expression.

Button component with body

<span> Login </span>

Self closed button component

@!component('button', { text: 'Login' })

Seekable tags

Seekable tags are the ones that accept one or more arguments. For example:

include is a seekable tag as it requires the partial path


super is NOT a seekable tag


The concept of seekable tags is introduced to optimize the Edge compiler. For non seekable tags, the Edge compiler does not wait for the opening and closing parenthesis to appear and moves to the next line.


The comments are written by wrapping the text inside the {{-- --}} expression.

{{-- This is a comment --}}
This is a multiline comment.
Hello {{ username }} {{-- inline comment --}}
{{-- surrounded by --}} Hello {{-- comments --}}

Swallow new lines

Since tags are always written in their line, they add an empty line to the final output. This empty line is not problematic with HTML markup since HTML is not whitespace sensitive. However, if you are working with a whitespace-sensitive language, you can remove the newline using the tilde ~ character.

{{ username }}


<p>Hello virk</p>